Big moment for the site as we have scored or first interview with actual wrestlers. The T.E.C.H(Two Equally Charming Heterosexuals) Squad are a pair of independent wrestlers from Florida who I happen to follow on Twitter so I decided to interview them and they agreed. I hope you enjoy.
Trevor "TC" Read
Mike Monroe
Hailing from
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Height and Weight
TC - 6"2 190lbs
Mike - 6"1 220lbs
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Jeremy's Raw Recap
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Marking Out From My Couch: Royal Rumble Predictions
With the Royal Rumble being tomorrow and me being the blogger I am, decided to take a break from the massive hangover I have and will throw out my predictions for tomorrows event. With only four matches tomorrow it will be interesting to see the length of matches tomorrow and the whole concept of "every" wrestler being eligible adds a bit of intrigue to the match. Alright, enough of the lame intro BS, onto the article!
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Just Watch: Ring Ka King
Friday, January 27, 2012
WWE 2012 Royal Rumble Preview
With any superstar eligible to enter this could be a Rumble with a surprising winner. Below I will give you the three announced matches and who I think will win. I do not know what the order of the matches but I assume they'll save the Rumble for last. And yes, we will have a Rumble Liveblog/chat on Sunday. Whooo!
Jeremy's TNA IMPACT Recap
This is my first attempt at watching TNA in several months. I kinda know what the storylines are from reading the spoilers, but on a whole Im playing catch up. This should be interesting...
1. We start with the typical TNA backstage brawl between Jeff Hardy and Bully Ray. Bobby Roode pulls up in a truck to help destroy Hardy. James Storm to the rescue, but he too is soon taking a beating. Enter Sting with his trusty bat to chase off the Heels.
2. Number 1 contender for the Knockouts title: Velvet Sky vs. Tara vs. Mickie James.
Its kinda refreshing to see real womens wrestling again. The Divas had made me believe that it wasnt possible to enjoy chicks fighting anymore. Tara wins and gets a shot against Gail Kim.
3. Sting, Hardy, and Storm call Roode and Bully Ray to the ring. They brawl again as Sting tries to maintain order. A tag team tables match is made for later tonight.
Why did this segment even need to happen? Why didnt Sting just make the match? Whatever.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Jeremy's WWE Raw Review
Raw Review:
1. CM Punk calls out Big Johnny. Instead we get Johnny Cena, who also calls out Mr. JL. Leading to...
2. CM Punk/John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler/Jack Swagger. Good match to start Raw. Ziggler came out looking more like the star he really is leading to his WWE title match with Punk on Sunday.
3. Punk challenges Big Johnny for tonight and its accepted. This story has followed the Austin/McMahon playbook to the letter so far, that being said if Mick Foley comes out tonight dressed as Dude Love to stop this match, Im gonna laugh my ass off.
4. The Return of the Highlight Reel. After a cool video of Y2J's history in WWE, he speaks! And apparently this Sunday will be the end of the world as we know it. Groovy.
Monday, January 23, 2012
WWE Raw Unmoderated Liveblog/Chat Extravaganza!
That is right. You show up, say something, don't get too stupid and anything you say will show up. The reason why I do this is because I have gone to liveblogs at other websites and they let certain people talk. I want everybody to talk and get their opinion out there. So, Let's do this.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Should Have Been Huge: Bam Bam Bigelow
Debuting in 1985, Bigelow quickly shot up the ranks of professional wrestling, arriving in the WWF(That used to be the name of the WWE if you happened to find this blog by accident.) with much fanfare as he was paired with Oliver Humperdink as his manager. Bigelow was mainly a midcard performer who was used to elevate guys to main event status all the way until an injury sidelined him and he lost to One Man Gang in the first round of the a title tournament leading into Wrestlemania IV.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Marking Out From My Couch: My Q & A session..... with me!
Sorry, the absence I took was longer than I anticipated (again), however I'm back and I have questions to answer... my own questions mind you, but questions none-the-less.
Q: What has Chris Jericho accomplished since his return?
A: Hard to say, his initial return just had me thinking he was tanked when he came out, the weeks that followed showed that Jericho has a plan. I hate the no talking, no wrestling, get them fired up and leave approach but I'm supposed to, so I can't be that angry. Crowds are still eating it up every time he comes out, hell so would I, the man has charisma and can ignite a crowd like few can at this juncture in pro-wrestling. I for one am greatly looking forward to that night when Jericho comes out, rips the crowd and CM Punk then we get two golden months of Punk v. Jericho promos.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
TNA Impact Wrestling Unmoderated Liveblog/Chat Extravaganza!
AJ Styles,
Austin Aries,
Bobby Roode. Crimson,
Eric Bischoff,
Hulk Hogan,
I want Wrestling,
Impact Wrestling,
James Storm,
Matt Morgan,
Robert Roode,
Samoa Joe,
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Just Watch: Undisputed
A unique concept to wrestling web shows, Undisputed is similar to Colt Cabana and Marty DeRosa's "Creative Has Nothing For You", but longer and with more wrestlers(Mr. Anderson, Mick Foley, and Colt Cabana to name a few) and creative types who write the type of stuff we see on Monday, Thursday, and Friday nights. If this is an attempt to get a network to produce a show like this I have to say I would definitely watch it.
Episode 1
Episode 1
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Jeremy's WWE Raw Recap
Luckily for you I have roped someone in to give you all a a recap of Raw on a regular basis in case you missed Raw last night, or just like reading about stuff you watched. Nothing to be ashamed about, I read stuff on something I watched all the time. This fella's name is Jeremy and he created the Facebook group Wrestling Matters(join it, the more the merrier.). Here is his recap.
Raw Breakdown:
1. Dolph Ziggler owns Mick Foley. Foley wants in the Royal Rumble. Really? Really?! REALLY?!! Im a BIG Mick Foley fan, but I'd rather see youth getting spots. Enter Punk and Big Johnny. Foley gets denied as I wonder what the point of all this was.
2. Tag Titles: Epico & Primo vs Air Boom. SHORT squash match. Bourne gets destroyed as he wonders if he can learn to like the taste of shit.
3. Chris Jericho is added to the Main Event. Lets see how hour number two does this week. I think it will do good. If not, haters gonna hate.
Raw Breakdown:
1. Dolph Ziggler owns Mick Foley. Foley wants in the Royal Rumble. Really? Really?! REALLY?!! Im a BIG Mick Foley fan, but I'd rather see youth getting spots. Enter Punk and Big Johnny. Foley gets denied as I wonder what the point of all this was.
2. Tag Titles: Epico & Primo vs Air Boom. SHORT squash match. Bourne gets destroyed as he wonders if he can learn to like the taste of shit.
3. Chris Jericho is added to the Main Event. Lets see how hour number two does this week. I think it will do good. If not, haters gonna hate.
Air Boom,
Brodus Clay,
Chris Jericho,
CM Punk,
Daniel Bryan,
Dolph Ziggler,
Epico and Primo,
Jack Swagger,
John Cena,
John Laurinitis,
Mick Foley,
Zack Ryder
Please Let ECW R.I.P

As I watched the commercial I saw guys hitting each other with garbage can lids, powerbombing each other through tables lit on fire,hitting each other with Kendo sticks, barb wire, thumb tacks, and cookie pans. I was confused, interested, and skeptical about this crazy style of wrestling. I had NO idea that this organization would turn out to be the farm system that fueled the Monday Night Wars between WWE and WCW with not only talent, but ideas as well. However, after I left Fletch's house I forgot all about ECW, because as I said, I wasn't in a region that carried ECW, and because me and Fletch weren't that tight. Regardless of his stocked pantry.
Monday, January 16, 2012
WWE Raw Unmoderated Liveblog/Chat Extravaganza!
That is right. You show up, say something, don't get too stupid and anything you say will show up. The reason why I do this is because I have gone to liveblogs at other websites and they let certain people talk. I want everybody to talk and get their opinion out there. So, Let's do this.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Spoiler Free WWE Smackdown LiveBlog/Chat Extravaganza
You read that correctly. Spoiler free. I stopped reading spoilers because why watch something when you know what is gonna happen? I mean, I usually KNOW what is gonna happen, but why take the interest out of possibly getting surprised? On we go. Feel free to comment on whatever, but try to remain topical and not too vulgar.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
WWE Raw Recap Round-Up
A collection of Raw Recaps. First two I always read because they're pretty terrific. I suggest you do the same.
TST's Raw Recap-The Victory Formation
Brandon Stroud's Best and Worst of Raw- With Leather
Colt Cabana and Marty DeRosa's Creative Has Nothing For You. Not their strongest effort.
TST's Raw Recap-The Victory Formation
Brandon Stroud's Best and Worst of Raw- With Leather
Colt Cabana and Marty DeRosa's Creative Has Nothing For You. Not their strongest effort.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Just Watch: Skyrim + Macho Man = Fantastic
There have been several Randy Savage tributes since he has passed away. However, this one mixes one of the most popular games today(Skyrim), Randy Savage, and some funky disco music to get down to, and is is funny in a simple way. Just watch and enjoy.
Cocaine? Drugs? Guns? Booze? Women? Suicide Attempt? No, Its Two Old Guys Fighting Like Scorned Facebook Friends!
What started as a simple question answered by the Ultimate Warrior on Twitter has turned into feud between Warrior and Kevin Nash. Warrior, when asked why he doesn't dye his hair and make a comeback like Kevin Nash, said because he doesn't wan't to be a limelight stealing dickhead. Fair enough, Mr. Warrior. However, as expected, Kevin Nash took offense of such language being used in reference to himself and responded mildly, suggesting that he wasn't aware of a problem between Warrior an himself.
Then, probably due to someone telling Nash he responded like a yella belly coward(Nobody calls Nash a yella belly coward..NOBODY!", Nash turned up the heat a little bit, offering $200k MMA challenge. Still not happy, Nash then lashed out with saltier language, Warrior ignored Nash's challenge until he made this video.
Then, probably due to someone telling Nash he responded like a yella belly coward(Nobody calls Nash a yella belly coward..NOBODY!", Nash turned up the heat a little bit, offering $200k MMA challenge. Still not happy, Nash then lashed out with saltier language, Warrior ignored Nash's challenge until he made this video.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Impact Wrestling Liveblog/chat Extravaganza!
I feel like I have ignoring the second largest wrestling promotion since I have started this blog so I think it is fair that I at least give them their own liveblog/chat. So here you go.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Sara Del Rey, Diva Division Savior
We have all done it. We're watching Raw or Smackdown and when there is a diva's match we get up and go to the bathroom, or change the channel to something for five minutes, or blankly stare at the television until the segment is over, and quickly forget whatever we saw because, quite frankly, the diva's division is a joke. Fans who believe the diva division can be a source or actual entertainment beyond ,"Wow,she is hot!", thought they were in for a treat when Kharma showed up on WWE programming to scare the wits out of the diva division. They probably were until, not more than two months later, Kharma first killed any hope we had in her character development as a diva slayer, and then probably killed any chance the diva's division would get any serious consideration when she announced she was pregnant, sidelining her for at least a year.
Death Rey,
Diva division,
Get to know,
Independent Scene,
My Future Wife,
Sara Del Rey,
She can WRESTLE,
Sign her now,
Raw Recaps
I don't have the patience to do a Raw recap of my own, and even if I did I find the market to be kinda saturated with them anyhow. So, what I am gonna do is link you to my favorite recaps(Yes, I read recaps even though I have already seen the show. I'm crazy like that.)and some recaps I have never read, just so we can get different perspectives on what we thought was cool or asinine. The first two are the two I read every week. After that are links I found from Google.
Heel So Hard: Chris Jericho Is Cray
Don't you look at me like that, you SOB |
He came out in a coat that would make Joseph,with his amazing technicolor dreamcoat jealous, runs around, does his old school "Lionheart" pose with fans, grabs a mic, doesn't say a word, makes each side of the house scream to his whim. soaks it all in, drops the mic. does some cheering, gets out of the ring, grabs a camera for Jericam, goes to the ramp, sucks up to each side of the house, smiles real big, and goes backstage. That was it. He didn't explain the videos, didn't call anyone out, didn't explain who "she" was, nothing.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Gettin Heat: John Laurinitis
I thoroughly dislike John "Ace" Laurinitis. Not because he has ever done anything to me or anyone I know, but because he is so good at his job. No, I'm not just being a "haterz", every week on Monday Night Raw Laurinitis comes in to our homes and politely asks each and everyone one of us to kindly hate his guts. Some people need an over the top "IMMA GIT YOU!" bad guy to get their attention, and I'll admit, when done properly(ex. Mr McMahon) the "Being evil because...why the hell not" is probably the most interesting character type in wrestling. However, what Laurinitis is doing is something I have yet to see in wrestling, being a cluelessly kind hearted evil boss. Think of Laurinitis as an evil Michael Scott and not only will it be easier to enjoy hating his guts, but he will be even more entertaining.
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